Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Muvie Mundays

Funny People In The Subway 2 by eviloars.
I had been walking by the posters for Funny People for a hot month, and had not been impressed. It was hot because I saw them everyday in the subway in July. Now, you can say that it has not been a hot summer and global warming(hopefully Ill get more google hits) blah blah blah, but it is suuuriosly effing hot in a suit, underground in NYC in the summer. The poster is super lame and the photo above is actually a manipulated version of one from the subway(train not sandwich shoppe). I saw the movie over the weekend and my own personal comedic ability has been diminished to telling people, "Yeah, I saw Funny People and it was funny", with empahasis on the funny.

I laughed a lot. It rained sunday, then got nice, but nice and humid and I saw it at Cobble Hill Cinemas, which is a good local theatre, but kind of musty. It may have been due to the weather, but also probably the size of the place. We got there with ample time, but still I caugtht a corner seat, not on the aisle row. I heard bass from the movie playing in the adjacent theatre, but still laughed my arse off.
It was basically stand up comedy and one to two liners for the entire film. There was some emotional plot mixed in, but this was a comedy. Sandler played an alternate universe version of his alleged, semi public self, that only deviated from his own life with regards to wife and family. His Happy Gilmore (lauged so hard to vhs veiwing of this), Waterboy, persona was semi present, but only in a self-depricating comedic way. Seth Rogen was good, but awkward, although I know he was supposed to be awkward, he was still awkward. I thought Jason Schwartzman was great and not beacause he was once in a band that licensed the song for the show, The OC.
Lesley Mann was in it(Apatow's whole brewd is too), and made me laugh. I almost forgot that Eric Bana was her husband. You know, the dude who was the Hulk, the unsuccessful remake with Jennifer Connely, only to be barely outdone with the remake starring Ed Norton and Liv Tyler. That of course is besides the point because the move is straight up funny and you should see it.....