guest contributer...
So, knowing we have to get someone in our apartment in 1 week, we posted a regular Craigslist ad to have someone move in asap. We thought we were in clear at the end of last week with James. He wanted it. He was gonna sign. Then we got an e-mail yesterday that was the start of Andrea's Craigslist wrath. It said:
So, are you saying you can’t do April 16 either?
Just want to make sure you don’t go to the leasing office tomorrow and screw us over even more than you already have.
Crap. So, there you have it. I was cc:ed on these e-mails, but counting the seconds until she wrote something nasty back. We have a few days to move and no one to take the apartment. We are getting anxious. Andrea, a bit crazy. When she gets crazy she starts exploring any and every option. I am scared she is going to start posting signs to telephone poles, but that would even be better than her doing what she did next. She goes to work today, telling me she is so busy and cannot deal with this. Unknown to me, she posts our apartment under Sublets for the hostel price of $65/day. $65/day for the West Village?!?! I get a call around 1 p.m. from Kathy:
Kathy: Hi, I am a watercolor painter from Ontario. Can I rent your apt. from April 11-16?
Me: ?
Kathy: Don't worry, my paintings are already done, so I won't be painting there. I am just here to sell them at a convention.
Me: ?
Me: Where did you get the idea I am renting the apartment for $65 day?
WTF? I call Andrea at work, yell at her for posting our apartment per day as if I will give them turn-down service and change the linens, and giving my cell phone number as the contact. I fielded about 20 phone calls in 30 minutes, rightly so at that price. And for $65/day? In the West Village? In NYC? While the crazy Craigslist poster was selling our apartment as a hotel, she was also multi-tasking and, while supposedly working, harassing people for furniture on Craigslist. This is the next e-mail she forwards me:
From: jean t
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:02 PM
To: Andrea
Subject: RE: farm table - $900
Sorry for the delay in replying. I was away on an emergency.
I have already lowered the price. It is thick solid wood and in fantastic condition.
I bought it for a lot more. You wont regret the quality.
I would love to see this table go to someone who will love it.
I am moving and cant take it with me.
Let me know if you are interested.
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 13:04:13 -0400
From: Andrea
Subject: RE: farm table - $900
To: jean
CC: chrit
Hi Jean,
I think this is it. I will pay $300 and take it tonight. It is a beautiful table, but only 50”.
Thanks, Andrea
From: jean t
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 3:17 PM
To: Andrea
Subject: RE: farm table - $900
Hi Andrea
I really cant sell it to you for that low a price.
It is really top quality antique wood with a lot of character.
The wood is from Europe.
I have kept it in pristine condition. The photos dont do the table justice.
It is a lot more gorgeous when you see it in person.
It can seat 4-6 ppl. It really is a fantastic deal at $900. If you go to a store to buy something
similar, you are looking to pay a few grand for this.
Anyway let me know if you change your mind.
Hi Jean,
I thought you were trying to get rid of it quickly, and I cannot spend as much as $900 for a used table. It looks pretty, and I understand growing attached to your favorite furniture. I recently sold my couch, it was from Sweden, and I had to sell for less than what I thought it was worth. I really don’t think you are going to get that price from Craigslist, which is typically a forum for people trying to get rid of stuff. If it’s that valuable, take it to an antique dealer.
Regardless, I am very interested in the table at a lower price. I will come and pick up asap. I live in the west village so its not that far. You are right, it is a gorgeous table.
Please let me know what you think.
Thanks so much!
So, we are screwed at this point. No one to take the apt, and Andrea is at work taking her frustration for life out on furniture dealers on Craigslist, comparing her IKEA couch to an antique European table. She comes home, we laugh the rest of the night at the other e-mails we get. Our apartment is listed as a rental, sublet, whatever you included, we don't care. I have offered moving people, painting for them, ANY COLOR YOU WANT. I am 5 seconds away from soliciting my girlfriend for frip overs. We need to get out of here NOW.
Nine out of 10 people calling are trying to get out of a situation with an ex-loved one.
I get a call around 9 pm tonight from a man who is on his way to meet his girlfriend at Sushi on Hudson, and is currently living with his wife on the Upper West Side. He wants to see the apartment after his date. I ask him when he wants to move? Yesterday. Understood.
It makes me sad. This city is brimming with separations and divorces right now. The economy is bad and whoever thought the idea of riding the tidal wave of misery together is very mistaken. Most would rather live happily in peace, alone, than in hell with no money with someone else. Seeing myself as a poor schlub through her eyes -- the same eyes that used to adore me -- would just push the knife of inadequacy even deeper into my ego. Like a dog, I would rather go off to the woods alone to die than in front of those who once thought I was incredible.
The NYC economy is driving people apart. Our dreams of wealth, vacations, dinners and shows, plentiful lives and climbing high are shattered, with no respite in site. We all are affected and would rather re-evaluate our dreams alone because our dreams together did not work out. Time to find a new dream, a new life, a new apartment. Time to find our real dreams and selves, instead of a monied, inflated life of goods and distractions of activities with other affluent friends. When all that is gone, only your core remains and if you have not loved your significant other from that core and as only a complement to your privileged life, you need to go alone and find yourself again, and build from that place. When you love someone for who they are now, and not who they are inside or once were, when that person and wealth is gone they are nothing but a stranger. That vulnerable stranger may not be what you signed up for. If it is not, PLEASE SUBLET MY APARTMENT. CONTACT ME!
So, not all of our prospective renters lives are so bleak. Some are cute and super silly. Take Katie (OBV).
---- Forwarded Message ----
From: katie
To: hous-5jrgk-1102378805@
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:54:07 PM
Subject: sublet
A white dog?!?! Thank God you have a white dog because a dog of any other color would not be kosher. There is a black dauchsand across the hall...racial tension? Forget the ginger cat down the hall. And she also is a cook! And clean! This is like a response for white supremist casual encounters on Craigslist, not for someone to take over a lease.
Maybe we will be in our Boerum Hill apartment in a week, or maybe not. What I do know is that I have the business cards of about a dozen models and fashionistas all trying to recapture the allure of a early 2000's Carrie Bradshaw. And some guys who are trying to recapture that girl and that lifestyle. Finance = money+honeys? That era is over, and I am not sure if the City today has the same glamorous glitz it did then, but if you wanna eat Magnolia Bakery cupcakes, live on Carrie's street and shop at all three Marc Jacobs stores, please contact me. I will paint and move you in, too.
I adore you two. I couldn't have said it better. The days of a fabulous NY are over at least for now...We stay here only if we get jobs or until we are taxed out. Our state screws us in taxes and then we make pennies in unemployment in the most expensive city. No wonder everyone is leaving....but we still have our cores :) xx
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